Weight Loss Magic Moments – The Wow Moments
Everyone on a diet has had weight loss magic moments – that instant when you see or feel real progress from all of your hard work.
Here are a few examples:
A 90% reduction in gastric reflux
Increased cognition
Significant increase in typing speed
First time detecting ketones in breath or blood
The first time a favorite belt must be one notch smaller
Fitting into favorite clothes that were previously too small
A 10 pounds of weight loss
Relearning how to eat like an 8-year old (no food fear.)
The significant reduction in LDLs and Triglycerides and a positive increase in HDLs
A positive comment from a friend or acquaintance
I suggest that you create a file or notebook to write down your magic moments. Then go back and review them from time to time. It is amazing how good it feels to review your past victories. It can also be very helpful on those days when we a feeling a little down and need a boost to keep us on track.