And how to avoid them
Many people find there is a very nice weight loss in the first few days or the first week of fasting. However, they often begin gaining weight after this initial loss. Why? When you switch from a S.A.D. (Standard American Diet.) With a fasting lifestyle, you will eat less and consume less salt (sodium.) The reduction in salt causes your body to eliminate the extra salt in blood and tissues through the kidneys. A.K.A. through water loss. Other reasons include insulin resistance, binge eating, eating the wrong foods, and eating too many processed foods. To make your fasting lifestyle successful, you may need to change your habits.
A great way to start is by understanding what happens when you fast. The good news is we can help you avoid many mistakes during the first few weeks, and the result is that it will be much easier to change your life for the better. With our guidance, you can change a successful diet and fasting plan. The big payoff comes when your body finally adapts to the fasting lifestyle for good. Follow the link below to make the healthy change to a happier, healthier life.
Food for Thought – Is fasting for everyone? Those who should not fast include expectant mothers, nursing mothers, brittle diabetics, persons with eating disorders, people with special health conditions, and growing children. Before starting any diet plan, check with your doctor to ensure it is safe for you.
Trouble Shooting – Have you noticed that you do not get hungry when you are sick? When your body is healing, it does not want to spend energy digesting food. Autophagy is the body’s ability to rebuild old, damaged, or dead cells. During periods of fasting, the autophagy levels in your body go up. During this time, your body removes old or damaged cells and builds new healthy cells in their place.
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