The Pitfalls of Fasting
Many people find that there is a very nice weight loss in the first few days or the first week of fasting. However, they often begin gaining weight after this initial loss. Why? Read on.
Many people find that there is a very nice weight loss in the first few days or the first week of fasting. However, they often begin gaining weight after this initial loss. Why? Read on.
In the first part of January 2021, I weighed 218.6 pounds. A year later on January 1, 2022, I weighed 195.8 pounds. A loss of 22.8 pounds in one year and no sign of stopping yet!
Is fat as dangerous as lions and tigers and bears? For nearly 60 years, we have been told it is. For example, to the left
When comparing the obesity rates from 1990 to today, the rate of increase is staggering.
In 1990 the most obese state had an obesity rate of less than 15%. Today the lowest rate of obesity in any state is above 20%, and in many states, it is as high as 35%.
What makes you fat? Carbs? Fats? Proteins? The scientific answer is Insulin.
Isn’t this the season of eating, drinking, and having fun with food? The season we all get together to celebrate, and to eat, drink and be merry! So, why start a diet now???
November 15, 2021, I started my dieting journey 52 years ago, but on November 15, 2020, I started a new adventure – a fasting lifestyle.
Obesity and Insulin; the greatest’s love affair of our generation. When and how often we eat does matter. The modern SAD (Standard American Diet) includes
What makes you fat? Carbs? Fats? Proteins?
The scientific answer is Insulin. The hormone insulin makes it possible to store fat.
I am fasting to lose weight, do I still need to diet? What diet has worked for you in the past? Let’s take that information and combine it with intermittent fasting to make you life healthy, happier and longer.