The Ant, the Grasshopper, and Diets

Aesop was a Greek storyteller who is thought to have written many stories now known as Aesop’s Fables. One of these fables is The Ant and the Grasshopper. The moral of this fable is that there is a time to work and a time to play, and if you don’t work when you should, you will starve. But wait, grasshoppers survive year after year just like ants but with different survival strategies. The two may have different approaches, but they both go on living year after year.

Are you an ant, a grasshopper, or a people? Whichever you are, you are a special individual. Every person on earth is unique in spirit, mind, and physiology. The diet that worked great for your friend or spouse may be a total failure for you. This is one of the key problems with the deprivation diets of the past, and they do not consider that one size does not fit all.

How do you find the diet that is best for you? In our modern age, you can spend a lot of money and have your genetic preferences tested. Yes, genetic tests can tell you which diet will work best for you – low carb, Atkins, keto, Mediterranean, the ice cream diet, etc. (Yes, there is an ice cream diet – I tried it and failed.) However, you can save a lot of money and figure this out for yourself.

  1. Ask yourself, “What diet has worked best for me in the past?”
  2. Then ask why did I quit?” For me, it is keto or low carb. Why did I quit? I could not take the crushing food cravings. Pass the bread and Oreos – PLEASE!!!
  3. Now ask yourself if you could do this diet for 3 or 4 or 5 days? I am sure you can!
  4. The key is to combine your favorite diet with intermittent fasting.
  5. By fasting several days a week and following your favorite diet on fasting days, your diet will become sustainable for years!

Did it work for me? Yes, I have continued to lose weight for over 19 months. My total loss for this time is over 32 pounds. I don’t burn out because I can enjoy the foods I love (in moderation) on nonfasting days. 

Update: As of 12/22, I have maintained the weight loss for 26 months, and I am sure I can continue to follow this program for many years to come. Still no food cravings!!!

I am sure you can make this work, but remember, Intermittent Fasting is an easy concept with a sometimes tricky implantation. I am here to help – have a question, send me an email, and I will do my best to provide an answer.


Quick Review  

– We are all individuals, and each of us has specific needs.

– Diets – one size does not fit all.

– What diet has worked for you in the past, even if you could not do it year after year?

– Combine this diet with IF for success.

Regular Features

This Week’s Diet and Lifestyle Q&A – Question: Yes or No, The best long-term way to lose weight is to eat less & exercise more.

Food for Thought – It’s close to mealtime, but you feel like you can’t make it. Have a snack but choose foods with a low glycemic index, such as a handful of cherry tomatoes, celery, or Nuts (Tree nuts are best), such as Macadamia nuts, cashews, walnuts, or pistachios.

Trouble Shooting – Experiencing extreme hunger? Keep busy, walk on the treadmill, exercise bike, take a walk outside, or get involved in housework or hobbies. If that does not help, have a small snack of cheese, nuts, bone broth, or other low-glycemic foods.

We are here to help, if you would like more information on diet and weight loss, email us at:

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This Week’s Diet and Lifestyle Answer –

Question: The best long-term way to lose weight is to eat less & exercise more.    

Answer: No. Data shows that 99.5% of those who use this method have quit after 3 to 12 months. For most of us it is not sustainable. By combining diet and fasting, you can lose weight long-term and keep it off.


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