Following the Father’s Day Feast 2022

It was a really good Father’s Day celebration including several restaurant meals, zoom sessions with friends and family across the USA, and parties with adult beverages. So Father’s Day is past, it’s Monday, 6/20/2022, and you may feel like:

  1. I gained weight; did I fail?
  2. Did I cheat on my diet?
  3. I should have fasted over the weekend?
  4. Am I weak, a glutton?

The answer is no to all of these questions. When you combine fasting with a diet for weight loss,

  1. there is no fail,
  2. there is no cheating,
  3. you must take time to enjoy life – that is what fasting is all about!
  4. and you are not weak or a glutton; you are simply enjoying life, which is the key point of any life worth living.

Special events come along, and we simply need to schedule our diets and fasting around them. You can make adjustments before or after the fact, or both, whichever works for you. Sometimes I am ready for them, and sometimes they just pop up. This year I got ahead of Father’s Day and lost a couple of pounds ahead of the holiday, allowing me to enjoy the weekend with less pressure and less frustration.

I came, I saw, and I ate. What a great time!

After having a good time with food, always remember that a great deal of the weight gain is water weight and bulk. When we return to our routine, these will take care of themselves in a few days. We need to focus on how we will deal with the very small amount of true fat gain. As I said, I had increased my fasting the week before but had not changed my diet other than the fact that the farmer’s market was open, and I replaced frozen vegetables with fresh vegetables.

Despite the planning, I still gained about 1.5 pounds. This week I plan on combining some extra keto or low-carb meals with my fasting days and extending my fasting hours slightly. I expect to return to my weight loss journey within a few days.

So no harm, no foul.

Regular Features

This Weeks Diet and Lifestyle Q&A – Question, Yes or No: The only way to stay slim and healthy is to practice extreme diets for your entire life.

Food for Thought – Water. When you are fasting, it is important to stay hydrated and even more so during the hot summer months. Staying hydrated during intermittent fasting is critical to your health. If you are already struggling with the side effects of fasting, dehydration can make them worse. 

Trouble Shooting – Are you new to fasting and experiencing headaches, dizzy spells, balance problems, or nausea? If so, it is because your body is trying to switch on fat burning but you must give it time to adjust and relearn how to burn fat. Try some of these solutions.

1. Drink lots of water.

2. Your ion imbalance may be off – drink a glass of water with a pinch of salt or sea salt.                                                    

3. If hunger levels are too high – you may need to eat small amounts of nuts, cheese, meat, or some other fatty low, carb foods. These will help reduce hunger and will not cause a significant increase in insulin. These are 3 of 9 solutions – more next week.             

If you have friends or family interested in a healthy lifestyle or dietary information, please feel free to send them my email, website, or phone at 816 814-0307; if no answer, please leave a message with your name, phone number, and email.

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This Week’s Diet and Lifestyle Answer –

Question: Yes or No: The only way to stay slim and healthy is to practice extreme diets for your entire life.           

Answer: No. Fasting plus your favorite diet can be the key to weight loss and improved health without a lifetime of oppressive diets.


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