Part 2 Insulin and Weight Gain in the Modern Age
Obesity and Insulin; the greatest’s love affair of our generation. When and how often we eat does matter. The modern SAD (Standard American Diet) includes
Obesity and Insulin; the greatest’s love affair of our generation. When and how often we eat does matter. The modern SAD (Standard American Diet) includes
What makes you fat? Carbs? Fats? Proteins?
The scientific answer is Insulin. The hormone insulin makes it possible to store fat.
Have you lost weight counting calories? Most people have, and then they gained the weight right back in no time at all. I hate counting calories anyway; it’s just boring. I love fasting.
I went on vacation and gained 4 pounds. This is how I lost the weight gain through fasting and diet.
Everyone on a diet has had weight loss magic moments – that instant when you see or feel real progress from all of your hard work.
So, what did they do to stay so slim??? Why are so many of us fighting the battle of the bulge Insulin is the life
Did you wake up one day and decide, “Hey. I am going to be fat!” I didn’t, and I don’t think you did. For most
Obesity is the accumulation of fat to the point that it presents a risk to your health. Obesity is a body mass index (BMI) over