Discover the huge health benefits of strength training for all ages
We all worry about muscle loss when fasting and dieting. This article from Harvard Health Publishing is a great guide to resistance training.
We all worry about muscle loss when fasting and dieting. This article from Harvard Health Publishing is a great guide to resistance training.
I am excited to announce my new YouTube Channel. Please check it out at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeycoyo7yT1rLPMzt3s_f-Q Be sure and watch the short video CDC on Weight
What makes you fat? Carbs? Fats? Proteins? The scientific answer is Insulin.
Obesity and Insulin; the greatest’s love affair of our generation. When and how often we eat does matter. The modern SAD (Standard American Diet) includes
What makes you fat? Carbs? Fats? Proteins?
The scientific answer is Insulin. The hormone insulin makes it possible to store fat.
“Knowledge itself is power” Sir Francis Bacon published in Meditationes Sacrae 1597
Are you stressed? So, who you gonna call? Ghostbusters? Probably not. Stress is an internal issue, and you need to find a way to deal